Transparent icon for to BlanketCon '25

BlanketCon '25

BlanketCon '25 has a total of 190 submissions created by 131 modders so far.

Gallery image for Accessories
Icon for Accessories

A extendable and data-driven Accessory Mod for Minecraft

Gallery image for Advanced Networking
Icon for Advanced Networking

Adds systems for programmable transfer of resources

Gallery image for Affinity
Icon for Affinity

A magic mod themed around natural tech

Icon for Alchimiae Magicae
Icon for Alchimiae Magicae

Bringing magic back to brewing.

Icon for Allium
Icon for Allium

Lua script loader and API for easy modding

Gallery image for Amarong
Icon for Amarong

Adds a new material called Amarong, handheld "rubber" ducks, kaleidoscopes, and rainbow beacons with no redstone required

Icon for Animated loading screen
Icon for Animated loading screen

Changes the Minecraft loading screen to the Animated Minecraft Dungeons version

Gallery image for Anshar
Icon for Anshar

Write yourself into the cosmos with the power of beacons!

Gallery image for Armor Stand Editor
Icon for Armor Stand Editor

Pose and modify your armor stand with ease!

Icon for asahi
Icon for asahi

Remove jittering of the moving sun caused by client desync!

Icon for Autocut
Icon for Autocut

Automatically cut videos based on your gameplay

Icon for Automobility
Icon for Automobility

Vehicle mod adding customizable and functional cars

Icon for AutoWhitelist
Icon for AutoWhitelist

A way to automate the whitelist of a minecraft server based on discord roles

Gallery image for Bad Apple Shader
Icon for Bad Apple Shader

✨ Now working! ✨| This is a shader that makes the game render similarly to "Bad Apple"

Gallery image for Barkeep
Icon for Barkeep

A cosmetic cocktails mod for decorative bartending. Order up!

Gallery image for Barricade
Icon for Barricade

A mod that implements more specific barriers.

Gallery image for Basic Storage
Icon for Basic Storage

Drawer-style, vanilla-friendly mass item storage

Gallery image for Basic Weapons
Icon for Basic Weapons

Adds vanilla+ weaponry - no extra fluff or sparkles

Gallery image for Bee Buddies
Icon for Bee Buddies

Tameable bees and pride bees!

Icon for Berry Bounty
Icon for Berry Bounty

Special berries that can be eaten for special effects!

Icon for Block Breaker & Block Placer
Icon for Block Breaker & Block Placer

2 new vanilla-friendly redstone blocks; One for breaking and one for placing.

Gallery image for Blocky Bass
Icon for Blocky Bass

Adds Big Mouth Blocky Bass to the game. Fish him up, feed him a disc, watch him sing!

Gallery image for Blur+
Icon for Blur+

Spices up the boring vanilla blur effect – featuring animations, colors and lots of customizability!

Gallery image for Boatism
Icon for Boatism

Add new and fully customizable Boat Engines to Minecraft. Traveling by sea will never be the same again!

Gallery image for Boids
Icon for Boids

Boids simulation for flocking fish 🐟

Icon for Bouquet
Icon for Bouquet

Companion API for Allium, the Lua Script Loader

Gallery image for Bovines and Buttercups (Mooblooms)
Icon for Bovines and Buttercups (Mooblooms)

A reimagining of Mojang's Moobloom mob.

Icon for Breaking Bedrock
Icon for Breaking Bedrock

Allow bedrock to be mined with a netherite pickaxe!

Gallery image for Breeze Bounce
Icon for Breeze Bounce

Bounce to new heights with Wind-Charged blocks! Inflate them for extra spring, or use them to create crazy obstacle courses.

Icon for Brewin' And Chewin'
Icon for Brewin' And Chewin'

Fermenting addon for Farmer's Delight.

Gallery image for Bronze
Icon for Bronze

A new use for copper - bronze weapons, armor, tools & more

Gallery image for Builderdash
Icon for Builderdash

Building-Related Party Minigames - Server Side Only

Gallery image for Bundled
Icon for Bundled

Reduces the size of unstackable items in bundles. Also adds a crafting recipe and tags for bundle manipulation.

Gallery image for Cabbage Glasses
Icon for Cabbage Glasses

A resource pack for Patbox's Brewery and Cabbage Substances

Gallery image for Cabbage Substances
Icon for Cabbage Substances

A little datapack that shows the potential of Patbox's Brewery custom drinks.

A fancy mod with freecam, zoom, fullbright, freelook, no fog and custom third persons!

Gallery image for Camphor
Icon for Camphor

The peoples' capitalism β€” player-driven currency for server commerce. Designed for Create.

Icon for Canary
Icon for Canary

An early warning of poison in the mines.

Gallery image for Cantilever
Icon for Cantilever

No-nonsense Minecraft ↔ Discord bridge

Gallery image for Carnival Cuisine
Icon for Carnival Cuisine

Adds some carnival food and drinks to enjoy for Modfest: Carnival!

Gallery image for Charta
Icon for Charta

An extensive card mod for Minecraft. Made for Modfest 1.21

Gallery image for Chickensaurs
Icon for Chickensaurs

A mod that adds the predatory descendants of the chicken to the Nether.

Gallery image for Chitinous Ties
Icon for Chitinous Ties

Player-creatable quests and contracts!

An addon for Automobility adding buses

Gallery image for Colourful Clocks
Icon for Colourful Clocks

Tell time in style with Pocket Watches and Customizable Grandfather Clocks!

Gallery image for Combat Amenities
Icon for Combat Amenities

A mod that adds a few small features related to combat, such as a back slot.

Gallery image for Confetti Stuff
Icon for Confetti Stuff

Adds silly confetti related items and blocks πŸŽ‰

Gallery image for Cook It!
Icon for Cook It!

A mod that adds a variety of treats to cook!

A standalone serverside tech mod

Gallery image for Crossbow Scoping
Icon for Crossbow Scoping

Aim through spyglasses!

Icon for Crystalline
Icon for Crystalline

Crystaline adds the divider, a both melee and ranged based weapon with a amethyst theme! Enjoy The Chaos!

Gallery image for Dancerizer
Icon for Dancerizer

Perform taunts and whole dances with new accessories!

Gallery image for Decorative
Icon for Decorative

Adds many cool new decorations to minecraft

Gallery image for Default Components
Icon for Default Components

Add, remove and change default item components. Data driven and improved mod support, can modify selected or all items

Gallery image for Dream Burst Spirit Vector
Icon for Dream Burst Spirit Vector

Fully customizeable fantasy roller parkour. Fly forth, Spirit Vector!

Gallery image for Electromechanics
Icon for Electromechanics

An addition to the existing Redstone ecosystem mechanically and electrically

Gallery image for EMI Ores
Icon for EMI Ores

Easily view ore generation information from inside EMI.

Icon for Enchiridion
Icon for Enchiridion

An enchantment rework that categorizes enchantments to be mutually exclusive.

Gallery image for Explosive Enhancement
Icon for Explosive Enhancement

Makes the explosion animation look cooler.

Gallery image for Extended Drawers
Icon for Extended Drawers

Adds drawers and more

Gallery image for Extra Shields
Icon for Extra Shields

A vanilla+ expansion to shields. Adds various new shields inline with the vanilla armor system and shield plating upgrades. Includes new and improved enchantment support.

Icon for Extra Trinkets
Icon for Extra Trinkets

Adds practical slots to Trinkets, so your inventory isn't as cluttered.

Gallery image for Extravaganza!
Icon for Extravaganza!

Extravaganza! is a mod about adding carnival and festivity goodies, as well as some amusing activities through blocks, entities or items.

A dependency-aware tool to find the problematic mod

Gallery image for Fabulously Optimized
Icon for Fabulously Optimized

Beautiful graphics, speedy performance and familiar features in a simple package. 1.21.4 beta!

Icon for FallFlyingRestrictions
Icon for FallFlyingRestrictions

Changes default behavior of the "FallFlying" movement used with Elytras.

Gallery image for Familiar Friends
Icon for Familiar Friends

Adds a book that can unlock special pets that grant new abilities

Gallery image for familiar magic
Icon for familiar magic

a mod for summoning! (much like /tpahere, but for any entities and way more inconvenient)

Icon for Farmer's Delight Refabricated
Icon for Farmer's Delight Refabricated

Modern Fabric port of the cooking and farming mod, "Farmer's Delight"

Gallery image for Flamingo
Icon for Flamingo

Adds a wobbly flamingo, a staple of modded Minecraft (originally by copygirl for Forge 1.6.4)

Gallery image for Fletching Expanded
Icon for Fletching Expanded

A full fletching revamp, adding a use for the fletching table, new arrow types, new ranged enchanting, and more!

Gallery image for Fright's Delight
Icon for Fright's Delight

A Farmer’s Delight addon that adds food made from hostile mob drops. Dishes are created with a β€œHorror” theme, consume with caution.

Gallery image for gCAPS
Icon for gCAPS

Reimplementation of the Gboard CAPS in Minecraft

Gallery image for Glide Away!
Icon for Glide Away!

Get your Hang Glider and glide away from the dangers! A server side Fabric mod!

Gallery image for Green Screen
Icon for Green Screen

Chromakey blocks for easy screenshotting or video recording.

Icon for Have Another Pretty Particle. Yayyyyyyyy
Icon for Have Another Pretty Particle. Yayyyyyyyy

A collection of custom-made particles for use at BlanketCon 2025!

Gallery image for Healing Pretty Good
Icon for Healing Pretty Good

Adds RPG-like Heart Drops, Heart Crystals, and Heart Upgrades

Icon for Hibernal Herbs
Icon for Hibernal Herbs

Hibernal Herbs celebrates the holidays with a little bit of mystic arts! Collect herbs and other ingredients to make the perfect holiday feast!

Gallery image for Hide Body Parts
Icon for Hide Body Parts

Use NBT data to hide player body parts.

Gallery image for Hollow
Icon for Hollow

A mod about hollow logs and hollow promises

Icon for ImmersiveMC
Icon for ImmersiveMC

Makes Minecraft more immersive!

Gallery image for Impenduits
Icon for Impenduits

Adds weak forcefields powered by Hearts of the Sea

Gallery image for Inline
Icon for Inline

A mod for inline text rendering

Gallery image for Inventory Tabs
Icon for Inventory Tabs

Allows swapping to other in-world screens (blocks, entities, etc) via tabs. A fourth-generation rewrite of CakeWhip's InventoryTabs.

Gallery image for It's as Shrimple as That
Icon for It's as Shrimple as That

A shrimple mod about everyone's favorite crustaceans.

Gallery image for Item Descriptions
Icon for Item Descriptions

This mod adds unique descriptions for all blocks, items, and mobs - built in a way that makes it easy to add modded content.

Icon for Joy
Icon for Joy

Joy is a Fabric mod built with the core goal of tastefully adding pride to Minecraft, while also porting Pridepack to its own set of decoration.

Icon for JsonPatcher
Icon for JsonPatcher

A tool for patching minecrafts json files, without overrding them, using a custom DSL

Gallery image for KLAXON
Icon for KLAXON

WIP corporate-themed tech mod for Fabric

Icon for KRender
Icon for KRender

Cross-platform Minecraft rendering abstraction

Gallery image for Lilium

An assortment of blocks and items that I felt like adding.

Gallery image for Litavis
Icon for Litavis

A Minecraft Mod based on expanding the Earth Elemental side of Minecraft.

Gallery image for Magic 8 Ball
Icon for Magic 8 Ball

A magic ball that knows the answers to all of your questions.

Gallery image for Map Album
Icon for Map Album

Adds a new item that allows players to store and view large amounts of maps!

Icon for Map Shirts
Icon for Map Shirts

A mod that lets you stick and display maps on any chest plate.

Icon for MapShot
Icon for MapShot

A mod that allows players to take better screenshots of maps.

Gallery image for Marksman
Icon for Marksman

Adds coinshots from Ultrakill

Gallery image for Mino++
Icon for Mino++

Recreation of a certain popular card game in Minecraft!

Gallery image for Missing Wilds
Icon for Missing Wilds

Adds the features that were scrapped from the Wild Update

Gallery image for Mod Descriptions
Icon for Mod Descriptions

An add-on for Item Descriptions that adds additional descriptions for various mods.

Gallery image for Mod Garden
Icon for Mod Garden

A Minecraft Modding event designed for long term projects.

Icon for Month Of Swords
Icon for Month Of Swords

Adding a sword a day all month for Swordtember

Gallery image for Motschen's Better Leaves
Icon for Motschen's Better Leaves

Improves the appearance of leaves with high mod compatibility and performance!

Icon for Moue Milkshakes
Icon for Moue Milkshakes

Grimace Shakes are/were the big thing. So I thought "Why the hell not". Using state-of-the-art methods, you can now brew, *yes* brew, your milkshakes!

Icon for mrpack4server
Icon for mrpack4server

A tool to easily install and load mrpack / modrinth based modpacks on any Minecraft server hosting!

Gallery image for Music Moods
Icon for Music Moods

Configure how music & sound are handled.

Icon for My Nether's Delight Refabricated
Icon for My Nether's Delight Refabricated

Modern Fabric port of the new Nether addon for Farmer's Delight.

Gallery image for Necessities
Icon for Necessities

Serious stuff that really should have been in the base game all along (made for modfest)

Gallery image for NeoMTR
Icon for NeoMTR

Fully-automatic and realistic railway system. This is a fork of Minecraft Transit Railway v3.

Gallery image for Nicos Backslots
Icon for Nicos Backslots

A simple Backslot mod

Packaging Minecraft servers for Nix, and a module for running servers on NixOS

Gallery image for Note Block Studio
Icon for Note Block Studio

An open-source Minecraft music maker!

Gallery image for Note Block World
Icon for Note Block World

A website to discover, share and listen to note block music from all over the world!

Icon for Oceanic Weaponry
Icon for Oceanic Weaponry

This is a mod about adding multiple ocean themed weapons to Minecraft. They are all useful in combat but also have some practical use outside of PVP.

Gallery image for OmniCrossbow
Icon for OmniCrossbow

Launch every item from a crossbow, with a multitude of custom effects!

Gallery image for Ouch!
Icon for Ouch!

Customisable, server side damage indicator! For Fabric

Icon for oωo (owo-lib)
Icon for oωo (owo-lib)

A general utility, GUI and config library for modding on Fabric and Quilt

Gallery image for Paladin's Furniture Mod
Icon for Paladin's Furniture Mod

A Modern Furniture mod for Minecraft where things are functional!

Gallery image for Partnership
Icon for Partnership

Drive ships with partners. Defend your port with cannons and explore the world with new ships!

Gallery image for Patbox's Brewery
Icon for Patbox's Brewery

Create alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks with cauldrons and barrels!

Icon for Petworks
Icon for Petworks

Collars and guises for furry friends. Nya~

Gallery image for Pierced
Icon for Pierced

Custom crossbow mod that adds 2 new crossbows and changes how the piercing enchant works to pierce through a percentage of Armor to increase crossbow usage in pvp/pve.

Gallery image for Planetarium
Icon for Planetarium

See the real-life solar system at night!

Gallery image for Player Containers
Icon for Player Containers

A (work-in-progress) mod that lets you store other players in items!

Gallery image for Plushables
Icon for Plushables

Bring cute plushies into your home

Icon for Polaroid Camera
Icon for Polaroid Camera

A mod that adds a camera that allows players to take pictures and put them on maps.

Gallery image for PolyDecorations
Icon for PolyDecorations

Decorate your world! A server side furniture / decorations mod!

Gallery image for Polydex
Icon for Polydex

Target block/entity tooltip and recipes in one ui mod for servers!

Gallery image for PolydexBridge
Icon for PolydexBridge

Brings over recipes from Polydex to EMI for more convenient browsing.

Gallery image for PolyFactory
Icon for PolyFactory

Let's build a factory! A tech mod for your Minecraft server!

Gallery image for Polymania
Icon for Polymania

Server side perfected. A kitchen-sinky modpack, allowing for fully modded experience without installing a single mod on the client.

Gallery image for Polymer Patch for CC:Tweaked
Icon for Polymer Patch for CC:Tweaked

ComputerCraft, but server side! A Polymer Patch mod for CC: Tweaked allowing it to work fully server side!

Gallery image for Polysit
Icon for Polysit

A server-side sit mod for Quilt & Fabric

Gallery image for Portable Crafting
Icon for Portable Crafting

Use crafting stations (tables, smithing, anvils, stonecutters, etc) directly from your inventory.

Gallery image for PPeTP
Icon for PPeTP

No longer shall you lose your pets! Fixes dog/pet teleportation

Gallery image for Pride GUI
Icon for Pride GUI

This is an LGBTQ+ pride themed GUI resource pack made by Pridecraft Studios.

Gallery image for Pride Pack
Icon for Pride Pack

This is an LGBTQ+ Pride Themed Resource Pack made by Pridecraft Studios.

Icon for Primordia
Icon for Primordia

A full Minecraft Game Expansion following the RPG, Survival Theme All Right's Reserved For Nebula Studios

Gallery image for Pulchra Occultorum
Icon for Pulchra Occultorum

This was a mod all about Victorian Science, Carneval and Occultism. Features are put on hold for now.

Gallery image for Raccoons & Rabies
Icon for Raccoons & Rabies

Adding Raccoons and a way to weaponise them!

Gallery image for Rapscallions and Rockhoppers (Penguins)
Icon for Rapscallions and Rockhoppers (Penguins)

A reimagining of Mojang's Penguin mob.

Gallery image for Real Nicknames
Icon for Real Nicknames

A mod that makes changing your Display Name incredibly easy!

Gallery image for Rods from God
Icon for Rods from God

Miscellaneous superweapons for Modfest 1.21

Gallery image for Scarves
Icon for Scarves

Comfortable dynamic simulated cloth trinkets

Gallery image for Scriptor Magicae
Icon for Scriptor Magicae

Discover and write custom spells. Knowledge is power!

Icon for Sentient Pants
Icon for Sentient Pants

Adds the Sentient Pants leggings enchantment, idea by @eightsidedsquare.

Gallery image for Shattered Stopwatch
Icon for Shattered Stopwatch

A broken, time-travelling traversal gadget inspired by physics puzzle platformers and the Super Mario 64 A-Button Challenge.

Icon for Shyvv's Trickier Trials
Icon for Shyvv's Trickier Trials

Making Trial Chambers near you trickier :)

Gallery image for Sidekick
Icon for Sidekick

Your creative companion β€” extended inventory, noclip, teleport, and other superpowers for Creative mode.

Icon for Silicate
Icon for Silicate

A library providing powerful client-server-agnostic predicates with a simple API.

Gallery image for Simple Durability Tooltip
Icon for Simple Durability Tooltip

Shows the durability tooltip regardless of Advanced Tooltips being enabled

Icon for Simple Resource Loader
Icon for Simple Resource Loader

Simple global / modpack resource pack and data pack loader. No configuration, just few folders.

Gallery image for Simple Update Checker
Icon for Simple Update Checker

Simple modpack update checker for Modrinth. Works client side and server side

Icon for SleepWarp (Updated)
Icon for SleepWarp (Updated)

Accelerates time when sleeping instead of skipping directly to day. Fork of SleepWarp updated to latest versions.

Gallery image for SmartHome Appliances
Icon for SmartHome Appliances

Minecraft mod about smart home that adds smart lamp, led panels, switches and so much more!

Gallery image for Snapper
Icon for Snapper

Screenshots, made simple

Icon for Snapshot MC
Icon for Snapshot MC

snapshotMC is a project that constantly updates just like Minecraft while keeping the vanilla feel

Gallery image for Softer Pastels
Icon for Softer Pastels

A mod that adds a lot of Pastel-colored blocks, maybe for a softer vibe.

Gallery image for Sounds
Icon for Sounds

Adds a wide range of new and improved sound effects to Minecraft, letting you customize everything from block interactions to UI events. Easily tweak or expand the sounds with resource packs and data generation for a fully personalized audio experience.

Gallery image for SplashFox
Icon for SplashFox

Displays an animated bouncy blobfox on Minecraft loading screen

Gallery image for Splinecart
Icon for Splinecart

Minecart roller coasters

Gallery image for Starcaller
Icon for Starcaller

Pull stars from the sky and reshape them just like the old tales. Navigate using named stars. Start a color turf-war. Paint art.

Gallery image for Stellaris
Icon for Stellaris

Discover the next gen space mod!

Gallery image for Stfu
Icon for Stfu

A mod that fixes some annoyances and speeds up your game!

Gallery image for Subtle Effects
Icon for Subtle Effects

Adding many new subtle details through particles and a few sounds

Gallery image for Superposition
Icon for Superposition

Expanding Minecraft's redstone system with the technology to transmit radio waves

Gallery image for Surveyor Map Framework
Icon for Surveyor Map Framework

Unified API, networking, and save data for map mods.

Icon for TacCorp's Trinkets!
Icon for TacCorp's Trinkets!

A mod for all your crystalline, decorative or damage-dealing needs!

Icon for Taking a Break
Icon for Taking a Break

This mod allows you to lay on the ground anywhere in your world.

Gallery image for Templates 2
Icon for Templates 2

Retexturable blocks powered by the Fabric Rendering API

Gallery image for The Legend of Steve
Icon for The Legend of Steve

Just another Legend of Zelda mod

Gallery image for This Rocks!
Icon for This Rocks!

Adds little rocks, sticks, pinecones, seashells and starfish to your world to make it feel more natural.

New whacky weaponry!

Gallery image for Trailier Tales
Icon for Trailier Tales

Overhauls the Trails & Tales update, adding features and improving existing ones.

Gallery image for Trickster
Icon for Trickster

Learn magic and create spells from scratch. The only limit is your creativity!

Gallery image for Twisted And Carved
Icon for Twisted And Carved

This Mod Adds two new weapons,the twisted falchion and halberd, each with their uses! more content is coming in the future

Gallery image for Ube's Delight
Icon for Ube's Delight

A Farmer’s Delight addon that adds Filipino inspired crops and food.

Icon for UnlimitedPeripheralWorks
Icon for UnlimitedPeripheralWorks

Peripheral mod, that provides a lot extra features, new peripherals and even some items

Gallery image for Vivatech
Icon for Vivatech

Classic technologies rethought

Gallery image for Vortex
Icon for Vortex

Up-and-coming mod rethinking TARDIS traversal

Gallery image for Wandering Rana
Icon for Wandering Rana

Readds the Rana mob from classic minecraft, in form of a wandering trader that sells various frog related items, such as her boots and hat

Icon for Wandering Wizardry
Icon for Wandering Wizardry

Sculk based magic and new exploration opportunities

Icon for WearThat
Icon for WearThat

Why shouldn't you be able to wear that?

Gallery image for Weird Wares
Icon for Weird Wares

Weird wares for your wacky world! This mod adds various unobtainable and forgotten items, blocks, and features plus a few extras.

Gallery image for Wheel of Wacky
Icon for Wheel of Wacky

A mod that adds a carnival prize wheel that has the chance to either fabulously reward or horrifically punish players!

Gallery image for Wilder Wild
Icon for Wilder Wild

This mod aims to upgrade the Wild Update!

Gallery image for World Comment
Icon for World Comment

Post comments right into the game world, associated with certain locations - an idea similar to Danmaku in videos.

Gallery image for World In a Jar
Icon for World In a Jar

A snowglobe-inspired block made for builders and survival players alike.

Gallery image for Yeet
Icon for Yeet

A mod about throwing things.

Icon for Zipline
Icon for Zipline

Satisfactory inspired ziplines in minecraft