Icon for user Kneelawk



Kneelawk has submitted 16 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '25

Gallery image for Barricade
Icon for Barricade

A mod that implements more specific barriers.

Gallery image for Bovines and Buttercups (Mooblooms)
Icon for Bovines and Buttercups (Mooblooms)

A reimagining of Mojang's Moobloom mob.

Icon for Enchiridion
Icon for Enchiridion

An enchantment rework that categorizes enchantments to be mutually exclusive.

Icon for KRender
Icon for KRender

Cross-platform Minecraft rendering abstraction

Gallery image for Rapscallions and Rockhoppers (Penguins)
Icon for Rapscallions and Rockhoppers (Penguins)

A reimagining of Mojang's Penguin mob.

Icon for Silicate
Icon for Silicate

A library providing powerful client-server-agnostic predicates with a simple API.

ModFest 1.21

Gallery image for Mecha Soldier PLASTAR
Icon for Mecha Soldier PLASTAR

Tiny Mecha Mod!

ModFest: Carnival

Icon for Aji-Maji
Icon for Aji-Maji

A mod inspired by classical performance magic. Think top hats, card decks, magic wands, and flying carpets!

BlanketCon '23

Icon for Bounce Craft 3
Icon for Bounce Craft 3

A mod originally created to test the abilities of blocks and entity movement that has so much potential!

Gallery image for Heart of the Machine
Icon for Heart of the Machine

Heart of the Machine adds a whole new dimension of abandoned machinery to explore. Maybe you can uncover the secrets of this dimension and make use of them somehow.

Gallery image for Wired Redstone
Icon for Wired Redstone

Wired Redstone adds redstone wires that can go on walls and ceilings; bundled cables; and logic gates.

Gallery image for World In a Jar
Icon for World In a Jar

ever wanted to stuff an entire world in a jar? no? too bad! this mod squeezes entire worlds into jars for your enjoyment. play god or go home.

ModFest: Singularity

Icon for Jar It!
Icon for Jar It!

You can put things in jars

BlanketCon '22

Cursed little things that can move items between adjacent blocks, and much more...

ModFest 1.17

Icon for Magical Mahou
Icon for Magical Mahou

A Minecraft mod that allows you to transform into a magical person and gain various abilities.

ModFest 1.16

Adds a dimension of abandoned machinery to explore.