Icon for user Sisby folk

Sisby folk


Sisby folk has submitted 15 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '25

Gallery image for Inventory Tabs
Icon for Inventory Tabs

Allows swapping to other in-world screens (blocks, entities, etc) via tabs. A fourth-generation rewrite of CakeWhip's InventoryTabs.

Gallery image for Portable Crafting
Icon for Portable Crafting

Use crafting stations (tables, smithing, anvils, stonecutters, etc) directly from your inventory.

Gallery image for Shattered Stopwatch
Icon for Shattered Stopwatch

A broken, time-travelling traversal gadget inspired by physics puzzle platformers and the Super Mario 64 A-Button Challenge.

Gallery image for Starcaller
Icon for Starcaller

Pull stars from the sky and reshape them just like the old tales. Navigate using named stars. Start a color turf-war. Paint art.

ModFest 1.21

Gallery image for Paper Pyrotechnics
Icon for Paper Pyrotechnics

Adds a fire lance. It explodes once.

Gallery image for Shattered Stopwatch
Icon for Shattered Stopwatch

A broken traversal mechanic styled after first-person puzzler games and SM64 ABC.

ModFest: Carnival

Gallery image for PowerChord
Icon for PowerChord

A component-driven RPG instrument system - you know, hunting-horn-likes!

Gallery image for Twirl!
Icon for Twirl!

Adds the "Twirling" enchantment, replacing any item's use action with being pointlessly spun around.

ModFest 1.20

Gallery image for Starcaller
Icon for Starcaller

Pull stars from the sky and reshape them just like the old tales. Navigate using named stars. Start a color turf-war. Paint art.

BlanketCon '23

Gallery image for Origins Minus
Icon for Origins Minus

An origins replacer focused on simplicity, not balance.

Gallery image for Pollinators' Paradise
Icon for Pollinators' Paradise

Adds equipment and mechanics that expand the progression and rewards of beekeeping.

Gallery image for Switchy
Icon for Switchy

Player profiles that switch between nothing - including nicknames, origins, skins, inventories, and more.

Gallery image for Tinkerer's Smithing
Icon for Tinkerer's Smithing

A sentimental and convenient rebalance of gear crafting, repair, enchanting, and upgrading.

ModFest: Singularity

Gallery image for Switchy
Icon for Switchy

Commands for switching between nothing - which includes nicknames, origins, skins, inventories, and more.

Gallery image for Switchy Inventories
Icon for Switchy Inventories

Addons for Switchy affecting balance. Swappable inventories, including trinkets.