Icon for user Phanastrae


Phanastrae has submitted 5 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

ModFest 1.21

Gallery image for HyphaPiracea
Icon for HyphaPiracea

Channel the Garden's Rot; Steal the Works of the Worlds; Bridge the Gap

ModFest: Carnival

Gallery image for Mirthdew Encore
Icon for Mirthdew Encore

Delve into the Dreams of the Dead. Fill those Spirits with boundless Mirth. Bring an End to their stagnation, with one final Encore.

ModFest 1.20

Gallery image for Operation: Starcleave
Icon for Operation: Starcleave

Cleave open the sky, and unite Earth with the Heavens.

BlanketCon '23

Icon for Arachne
Icon for Arachne

Arachne is a mod themed around strings, cloth, and weaving. Currently implements a (basic) in-game editor which can be used to create simulated cloth meshes (ie. flags) that can be placed in world.

ModFest: Singularity

Gallery image for Soul Under Sculk (SUS)
Icon for Soul Under Sculk (SUS)

Transform into a very Suspicious being of Sculk.