Icon for user CyborgPigeon


CyborgPigeon has submitted 17 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '25

Gallery image for Chickensaurs
Icon for Chickensaurs

A mod that adds the predatory descendants of the chicken to the Nether.

Gallery image for Map Album
Icon for Map Album

Adds a new item that allows players to store and view large amounts of maps!

Icon for Map Shirts
Icon for Map Shirts

A mod that lets you stick and display maps on any chest plate.

Icon for MapShot
Icon for MapShot

A mod that allows players to take better screenshots of maps.

Icon for Polaroid Camera
Icon for Polaroid Camera

A mod that adds a camera that allows players to take pictures and put them on maps.

Gallery image for Wheel of Wacky
Icon for Wheel of Wacky

A mod that adds a carnival prize wheel that has the chance to either fabulously reward or horrifically punish players!

ModFest 1.21

Gallery image for Chickensaurs
Icon for Chickensaurs

A mod that adds the predatory descendants of the chicken to the Nether.

ModFest: Carnival

Gallery image for Wheel of Wacky
Icon for Wheel of Wacky

A mod that adds a carnival prize wheel that has the chance to either fabulously reward or horrifically punish players!

FlashFest: Potato

Icon for Improved Lashing Potato
Icon for Improved Lashing Potato

A slightly scuffed mod that allows players to pull or be pulled towards mobs using the lashing potato.

ModFest 1.20

Gallery image for Pesky Seagulls
Icon for Pesky Seagulls

Adds bothersome seagulls

BlanketCon '23

A mod that adds an electric eel mob to Minecraft!

Icon for Map Shirts
Icon for Map Shirts

A mod that lets you stick maps to chest plates.

Icon for Polaroid Camera
Icon for Polaroid Camera

Adds a camera that lets players take pictures and put them on maps.

ModFest: Singularity

Gallery image for Echoes of the Past
Icon for Echoes of the Past

A mod that adds an new item craftable using echo shards to Minecraft.

BlanketCon '22

Icon for Polaroid Camera
Icon for Polaroid Camera

A mod that adds a camera to Minecraft which allows the player to take pictures and put them onto maps.

ModFest 1.17

This mod adds recall potions inspired by Terraria to Minecraft, albeit implemented a bit differently.

ModFest 1.16

A port for Fabric 1.16.1 of the popular Infernal Mobs mod with some brand new additional modifiers.