Icon for user Siuol


Siuol has submitted 8 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '23

Gallery image for Arcpocalypse
Icon for Arcpocalypse

Neco Arc in MC real

Gallery image for Consistency+
Icon for Consistency+

An overkill building mod that adds way too many blocks

Icon for Obsidian Slab
Icon for Obsidian Slab

The Obsidian Slab from Consistency+

Icon for Soul Ice
Icon for Soul Ice

My personal mod that is an assortment of random features

Gallery image for Wood you Dye
Icon for Wood you Dye

The dyable wood from Soul Ice; now as its own mod

BlanketCon '22

Gallery image for Consistency+
Icon for Consistency+

Consistency+ adds a plethora of new building blocks, taking the concept of every block type having the same variants (bricks, pillars, polished, stairs/slabs, etc) to the extreme.

Quakecraft is a fun minigame server-side mod, the minigame mainly offers a free for all combat minigame which the goal is to get 25 kills first with a railgun or some other fun weapons.

Icon for Soul Ice
Icon for Soul Ice

Its a mod about the new best in Ice tech, Soul Ice! (Originally from Consistency+)