Icon for user Sammy



Sammy has submitted 6 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '25

Gallery image for Dancerizer
Icon for Dancerizer

Perform taunts and whole dances with new accessories!

Gallery image for Partnership
Icon for Partnership

Drive ships with partners. Defend your port with cannons and explore the world with new ships!

ModFest 1.21

Automate the transfer of items in large quantities efficiently and beautifully.

ModFest: Carnival

Gallery image for Dancerizer
Icon for Dancerizer

Perform taunts and whole dances with new accessories!

ModFest 1.20

Gallery image for Partnership
Icon for Partnership

Drive ships with partners. Defend your port with cannons and explore the world with new ships!

BlanketCon '23

Gallery image for CC:C Bridge
Icon for CC:C Bridge

Adds compatibility between the ComputerCraft and Create mod via peripherals!