Icon for user Sylv


((use name) or it/its)

proud modrinth userSylv has submitted 8 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '25

Gallery image for Barricade
Icon for Barricade

A mod that implements more specific barriers.

Icon for Silicate
Icon for Silicate

A library providing powerful client-server-agnostic predicates with a simple API.

Gallery image for Weird Wares
Icon for Weird Wares

Weird wares for your wacky world! This mod adds various unobtainable and forgotten items, blocks, and features plus a few extras.

Gallery image for World In a Jar
Icon for World In a Jar

A snowglobe-inspired block made for builders and survival players alike.

ModFest 1.21

Gallery image for Legacy Landscape
Icon for Legacy Landscape

Legacy landscapes for your lugubrious level.

BlanketCon '23

Gallery image for World In a Jar
Icon for World In a Jar

ever wanted to stuff an entire world in a jar? no? too bad! this mod squeezes entire worlds into jars for your enjoyment. play god or go home.

FlashFest: A or B?

Icon for Unobtanium
Icon for Unobtanium

nyaaaa~ welcome to my mod about a mystical new ore called unobtanium! also happy new years 2008! (this mod was for flashfest april fools 2023)

ModFest: Singularity

Gallery image for World In A Jar
Icon for World In A Jar

ever wanted to stuff an entire world in a jar? no? too bad! this mod squeezes entire worlds into jars for your enjoyment. play god or go home.