Icon for user chyz



chyz has submitted 5 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '25

Gallery image for Accessories
Icon for Accessories

A extendable and data-driven Accessory Mod for Minecraft

Gallery image for Electromechanics
Icon for Electromechanics

An addition to the existing Redstone ecosystem mechanically and electrically

Icon for oωo (owo-lib)
Icon for oωo (owo-lib)

A general utility, GUI and config library for modding on Fabric and Quilt

Icon for WearThat
Icon for WearThat

Why shouldn't you be able to wear that?

BlanketCon '23

Icon for WearThat
Icon for WearThat

WearThat allows you wear any item in any armor slot. You heard me right. Any item. That includes tools, blocks, weapons, other armor pieces, etc. They even render!