Icon for user Aikoyori



Aikoyori has submitted 6 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

ModFest: Carnival

Gallery image for Unhinged Carnival Supplies
Icon for Unhinged Carnival Supplies

Basically Party Supplies that might be just a little off

ModFest 1.20

Gallery image for PET Bottle Rocket
Icon for PET Bottle Rocket

Make a Water Bottle Rocket! Inspired by STEM Learning.

ModFest: Singularity

Gallery image for Big Fan of It
Icon for Big Fan of It

Adds a functional fan based on real life fan!

Gallery image for Height Halting Heels
Icon for Height Halting Heels

Height Halting Heels from your favourite game series, Wormholes!

Gallery image for The Matchmakers
Icon for The Matchmakers

Adds matchsticks, matchbox that should in theory make it slightly more portable and more obtainable than Fire Charges.

Gallery image for We no speak Umbrellarino
Icon for We no speak Umbrellarino

Adds a holdable umbrella that slows your fall!