Icon for user Fusion Flux

Fusion Flux

Fusion Flux has submitted 10 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '23

Icon for Gravity API
Icon for Gravity API

It is an api designed to give modders the ability to change gravity easily with their mods

Icon for Portal Cubed
Icon for Portal Cubed

This is a mod that adapts the mechanics and elements of portal 1 and 2 into minecraft

Icon for Simply Starminer
Icon for Simply Starminer

This project is a from the ground up reimagining of starminer for modern version of minecraft using gravity api

BlanketCon '22

Icon for Chromatic Currents
Icon for Chromatic Currents

Its a mod that adds in multiple colors of redstone!

Icon for Dyeable Fishing Lines
Icon for Dyeable Fishing Lines

Its a mod that lets you die fishing lines!

Icon for Fusions Grapples
Icon for Fusions Grapples

It adds grappling hooks

Adds more hoppers!

Icon for Kinetic Creep
Icon for Kinetic Creep

Its a mod that gives the player the ability to blast jump (also gives source engine movement with the mantreads equipped)

Icon for Pettable Bees
Icon for Pettable Bees

Lets you pet bees via right click (its awsome)

Icon for Portal Cubed
Icon for Portal Cubed

Its a mod that adds the portal gun and other puzzle elements from portal.