Icon for user ThatTrollzer


ThatTrollzer has submitted 4 projects to ModFest events.

Event Submissions

BlanketCon '23

Icon for Plant in a Jar
Icon for Plant in a Jar

Micro-greenhouse that can grow any kind of plant including trees.

BlanketCon '22

Icon for Bits And Chisels
Icon for Bits And Chisels

Lets you remove small bits from blocks using chisels

ModFest: FallFest

**Ignis Fatuus** - A phosphorescent light that appears, in the night, over marshy ground, supposed to be occasioned by the decomposition of animal or vegetable substances, or by some inflammable gas; -- popularly called also Will-with-the-wisp, or Will-o'-the-wisp, and Jack-with-a-lantern, or Jack-o'-lantern. TL;DR Carve Pumpkins; Make Jack-o'-lanterns; Do All The Things

ModFest 1.16

Crusade is a Minecraft mod that adds many new medieval themed weapons and gear. It adds a fully functional trebuchet that can throw any Minecraft block, even modded blocks, and new lance weapons that work on all ridable entities.