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ModFest: FallFest

ModFest: FallFest had a total of 33 submissions created by 34 modders.

Adds orbs and rings to Minecraft.

A mod that adds all kinds of ancient magic, with many paths you can take and choose along the way. Right now, this mod is about ancient Mesopotamia, however we plan to expand it to Renaissance magic and Egyptian and likely Medieval Alchemy as a separate mod. To begin the mod, find the clay tablets in the desert and reconstruct them, they will sort of lead your way through the mod. This took a lot of work to make.

A very simple mod adding billboards to display text.

Gallery image for Carve My Pumpkin

Carve any face on a pumpkin!

Adds taters that can be collected by individual players.

A serverside utility mod that allows you to tweak how many items drop when you die, and other miscellaneous inventory features

Makes doors close behind you, creepily! WoOoOOooO!

Cool underground dungeons

One spooky skeleton boi is enjoying his trumpet at midnight.

A mod where you can summon a rideable baby Ender Dragon.

endermen but,,, tinmy. A mod based on the Smash Ultimate Endermen model!

Adds types of end mycelium that shrink entities.

Adds the barnacle entity. Don't forget to look up!

Adds: Fall[ing]

Fallfest Leaves makes leaves fall-colored.

Adds a fall-themed main menu panorama, and some other Easter, erm, I mean Halloween, eggs

An endless branching multiverse utterly disconnected from reality, eldritch and unknowable. (It's a tech demo)

Adds a fall-themed pumpkin patch biome with lootable graveyards, a spooky crafting table and fall armor.

A fun Herobrine boss-fight for Fabric!

**Ignis Fatuus** - A phosphorescent light that appears, in the night, over marshy ground, supposed to be occasioned by the decomposition of animal or vegetable substances, or by some inflammable gas; -- popularly called also Will-with-the-wisp, or Will-o'-the-wisp, and Jack-with-a-lantern, or Jack-o'-lantern. TL;DR Carve Pumpkins; Make Jack-o'-lanterns; Do All The Things

Adds kingdoms, curses, and changes up the healing system

Big monsters that will eat your gold and poop you something nice! Custom Loot tables planned.

Bring some sound to your Minecraft world with radio technology!

Adds hats that play sounds for other players.

A spooky scavenger hunt.

Adds smaller versions of Endermen to Minecraft.

Adds some music ||and troll blocks||

Adds a spooky lil biome, a new tree, and some decoration blocks.

The Ghost of Fallfest 2020 - Spreading Fall by day & Trick or Treating by night.

A couple of silly scary mobs


A lightweight server-side databaseless web map

Gallery image for TorchOut

Torches and soul torches burn out over time or in the rain.